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4.2 Docker Install

Install drand with Docker

This page describes how to run a production version of drand based on docker-compose. This is meant as a production setup. It notably involves generating TLS certificates for your public-facing server. Check out the simple install if you just want a local drand demo →

Prerequisites for this Guide

a VPS with the following software setup:

  1. docker >= 17.12
  2. docker-compose >= 1.18
  3. go >= 1.12
  4. certbot, a TLS-capable reverse-proxy, or any other way to get TLS certificates (see section "Setting up TLS")

First Steps

Copy/send this folder on your server, then open a shell in it. You may place this directory where you want, e.g. ~/deploy-example. Its name is irrelevant too, should you want to change it (just don't call it ~/.drand which is used for the config files).

At this point, your current working directory should look like this:

$ pwd
$ tree
├── data
│ ├── tls_certificates
│ └── tls_keypair
├── docker-compose.yml

Also make sure data is owned by your user, and have rights 740:

chmod -R 740 data

Setting up TLS

To be secure, drand needs authenticated channels to talk to other drand nodes. This can be currently done in two ways:

  1. via the TLS module within drand; in that case, you need to give TLS certificates to drand itself.
  2. via a reverse-proxy in front of drand; in that case, drand itself is unaware of TLS, and your reverse proxy is handling TLS itself.

First option: use TLS within drand

One way to get a TLS certificate is through LetsEncrypt and their command-line tool certbot.

Use certbox to generate TLS certificates. The command will depend on your setup, but typically can be sudo certbot certonly --standalone.

Once done, certbot put the files in /etc/letsencrypt/live. We are interested in /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOURSERVER/certX.pem and /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOURSERVER/privkeyX.pem.

Copy those two files into data/tls_keypair, renaming them as cert.pem and privkey.pem:

cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOURSERVER/certX.pem data/cert.pem
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOURSERVER/privX.pem data/priv.pem

The TLS setup is done.

Second option: disable TLS in drand

Note: only do this if you intend to setup TLS with your reverse proxy. If you don't use TLS at all, there's no point in doing this setup, it won't be secure ! If you're just trying to run an insecure demo, run make demo in the root folder of this repository instead of following this guide.

In this case, replace the following line in the docker-compose.yml file:

    command: --verbose 2 start --private-listen --cert-dir "/data/drand/.drand/tls_certificates" --tls-cert "/data/drand/.drand/tls_keypair/cert.pem" --tls-key "/data/drand/.drand/tls_keypair/key.pem"


    command: --verbose 2 -tls-disable start --private-listen

This guide will continue focusing on drand; jump to the end of this guide to configure the reverse proxy.


The compose file also opens a public http API to be consumed by the clients. This public endpoint is exposed on the 8081 port (specified with --public-listen]). If you wish to not expose the public http endpoint, you need to change the docker file to remove references to public port.

Generate drand Keys

Now, let's generate keys for drand:

go get -u
drand generate-keypair <address>

Where <address> is for instance or If you'll be using a reverse-proxy, make sure you enter the public-facing port.

This generates keys in ~/.drand/keys/. Let's move them into data:

mv ~/.drand/key data

Docker-compose Setup

Drand can now be started as follows:

docker-compose up -d

To check what is happening, access the docker-compose logs via

docker-compose logs

Distributed Key Generation (DKG)

If you did the setup above, you have a container running the drand deamon, loaded with your keys. It still misses two things:

  1. the group.toml file corresponding to other participants. For this, you have to exchange keys manually, e.g., via email.
  2. running the DKG protocol to bootstrap drand.

Fortunately, with our docker-compose volumes, it's now very easy to add things into the running container. Just add your group.toml into the root of the data folder (NOT in the data/groups/ folder; this one is manually managed by drand, don't touch it).

Then, open a CLI into your running docker.

First find its id on the host:

$ docker ps
697e4766f8b2 drand_drand "drand --verbose 2 s…" 11 minutes ago Up 9 minutes

The id of the container is 697e4766f8b2. Enter it by running:

docker exec -it 697e4766f8b2 /bin/sh

Then, you're inside the container; tell drand to run the DKG like so:

drand share --connect <leader address> --nodes <expected nodes> --threshold <expected threshold>

Notice the full path /data/drand/.drand/group.toml and not group.toml nor ./group.toml

At this point, once everybody in the group.toml has run the same command (at the same time), the randomness generation starts. Well done! Simply let it run, there's nothing else to do.

Other Topics

Updating drand

To update drand, simply shut it the container

docker-compose down

and to fully rebuild it, you need to first clean the already-used layers (for some reason Docker is confused and thinks nothing has changed, and it keeps rebuilding the old version). Caution! this delete all your unused containers and networks; it's typically fine, but just be aware of it.

docker system prune -a

Then rebuild and restart it

docker-compose up --build -d

Reset the Docker State (without losing the Keys)

This part is if you need to reset drand's internal state without loosing the keys.

Method 1: using drand clean

First, try using this method. If that doesn't work, use the method below.

Find drand's container id on the host, and enter it:

$ docker ps
697e4766f8b2 drand_drand "drand --verbose 2 s…" 11 minutes ago Up 9 minutes

$ docker exec -it 697e4766f8b2 /bin/sh

Then simply call:

drand reset

Exit the container with CTRL-C. Then, on the host, I advise you to restart the container (to make sure the drand deamon has a clean restart and can reload its cleaned config):

docker-compose down
docker-compose up --build -d

Method 2: performing a Manual Reset

The method above relies on drand clean, which could theoretically fail. If you want a manual hard-reset, start by killing the container:

docker-compose down

Delete what you want to reset in data: typically, you absolutely want to keep data/keysespecially if you shared those keys to create a group.toml with other people. For instance if the DKG failed, remove data/db and data/groups. Notice that if you added the group.toml into the root of data as suggested, it should still be there (don't delete it unless you want to change the group).

Then, rebuild the image from scratch:

docker system prune -a
docker-compose up --build -d

Check that things are running with

docker-compose logs

You're now back to the step "Distributed Key Generation" of this guide.

Docker behind Reverse Proxy Setup

Typically, the TLS part of my VPS is managed by a single reverse proxy, which then proxies multiple services running locally with docker.

There is one subtletly: you need to forward both GRPC (used by drand "core") and web traffic (for the web interface). To forward GRPC, you need to have nginx 1.13.10 or above, it's a fairly recent addition.

Then, you need to forward differently traffic to private API port and the HTTP public API port. Here's an example configuration for nginx:

server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;

location / {
// default --private-listen port specified in the docker compose
grpc_pass grpc://localhost:1234;
grpc_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

location /info {
// default --public-listen flag specified in the docker compose
proxy_pass http://localhost:8081;
proxy_set_header Host $host;

location /public/ {
// default --public-listen flag specified in the docker compose
proxy_pass http://localhost:8081;
proxy_set_header Host $host;

ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/.../fullchain.pem; # managed by Certbot
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/.../privkey.pem; # managed by Certbot

You can separate the entries in two in nginx by having two server blocks to apply different configurations.

Note: to others, you'll still be using TLS (handled by your reverse proxy), so make sure you generate your drand-keys using an https address, and the flag TLS=true.