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3.6 Code Examples

drand is easy to use with clients in Go and JavaScript as shown here.

The HTTP API is how other languages can interact with drand. A Python example is provided below.


  1. First, install Go if needed. With Homebrew the command is brew install go.

  2. Then set up your project directory, the main.go file if you need it, and your go.mod file.

    mkdir myproject
    cd myproject
    touch main.go
    touch go.mod
  3. Add the drand library to your go.mod file with:

    go mod init myproject
    go get
  4. We show a simple main.go illustrating how to instantiate a client and get randomness from drand.

package main

import (

var urls = []string{
"", // Official drand API server
"", // Cloudflare's drand API server

var chainHash, _ = hex.DecodeString("8990e7a9aaed2ffed73dbd7092123d6f289930540d7651336225dc172e51b2ce")

func main() {
c, err := client.New(
client.From(http.ForURLs(urls, chainHash)...),
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error creating client: %v", err)

rand, err := c.Get(context.Background(), 0)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to get randomness: %v", err)

fmt.Printf("drand randomness: %s\n", hex.EncodeToString(rand.Randomness()))
  1. Then to run the code:
    go run main.go
    go build -o myproject main.go
    This should output something like:
    drand randomness: d4ab1d7798a2aa7c9bc0d436088c72ca35b8e4a859cafda4f827b7b93905188d


  1. Install Node.js if needed. The Homebrew command is brew install node.

  2. Set up your project directory, the index.js file if you need it, and your package.json file.

    mkdir myproject
    cd myproject
    mkdir src
    touch package.json
    touch src/index.js
  3. Add your package.json file like so:

"name": "myproject",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "src/index.js",
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"start": "node src/index.js"
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"drand-client": "^1.2.6"
  1. Install the drand Javascript client library drand-client:
    npm install -S drand-client
  2. We show a simple index.js illustrating how to instantiate a client and get randomness from drand.
import {FastestNodeClient, fetchBeacon, HttpCachingChain, HttpChainClient} from "drand-client";

const chainHash = '8990e7a9aaed2ffed73dbd7092123d6f289930540d7651336225dc172e51b2ce' // (hex encoded)
const publicKey = '868f005eb8e6e4ca0a47c8a77ceaa5309a47978a7c71bc5cce96366b5d7a569937c529eeda66c7293784a9402801af31' // (hex encoded)

const options = {
disableBeaconVerification: false, // `true` disables checking of signatures on beacons - faster but insecure!!!
noCache: false, // `true` disables caching when retrieving beacons for some providers
chainVerificationParams: {chainHash, publicKey} // these are optional, but recommended! They are compared for parity against the `/info` output of a given node

// shows creating a basic client for a specific node and getting randomness from that client
async function getRandomness() {
const chain = new HttpCachingChain('', options)
const client = new HttpChainClient(chain, options)
const beacon = await fetchBeacon(client)
return beacon.randomness

// shows creating a client that finds the fastest node and gets randomness from that node
async function getRandomnessFastNode(){
const urls = [
const client2 = new FastestNodeClient(urls, options)
const fastBeacon = await fetchBeacon(client2)
return fastBeacon.randomness

.then((randomness) => console.log(`Randomness is: ${randomness}`))
.catch((err) => console.error('error', err))

.then((randomness) => console.log(`Randomness from fastest node is: ${randomness}`))
.catch((err) => console.error('error', err))
  1. Then you can run your project with npm start or node src/index.js. The output will look like:
    Randomness from fastest node is: 7b1f0db59345bcaa48e6d385fab911cd7a9d705b0a7f2bdf27ca7a7f47c1b1b6
    Randomness is: 7b1f0db59345bcaa48e6d385fab911cd7a9d705b0a7f2bdf27ca7a7f47c1b1b6


Python (WIP)

This guide recommends you use Pyenv to manage Python versions as it simplifies the process. It also recommends you use Pipenv for managing project dependencies for your Python project.

  1. First, install Pyenv with brew: brew install pyenv.

  2. Then install Pipenv with brew install pipenv.

  3. Then install Python 3.12.3 with Pipenv: pyenv install 3.12.3.

  4. Set Python 3.12.3 to be in use globally with pyenv global 3.12.3.

  5. Set up your project directory, dependency management Pipfile, and your Python module.

    mkdir myproject
    cd myproject
    touch Pipfile
  6. Add the reqests library to your Pipfile:

    pipenv install requests
  7. Make an HTTP request to to get the list of chains.

    Select the first chain and save it in a variable, say chain-hash.

    Sample JSON response:

  8. To get the chain information make an HTTP request to f"{chain-hash}/info"

    Sample JSON response:

    "public_key": "8200fc249deb0148eb918d6e213980c5d01acd7fc251900d9260136da3b54836ce125172399ddc69c4e3e11429b62c11",
    "period": 3,
    "genesis_time": 1651677099,
    "hash": "7672797f548f3f4748ac4bf3352fc6c6b6468c9ad40ad456a397545c6e2df5bf",
    "groupHash": "65083634d852ae169e21b6ce5f0410be9ed4cc679b9970236f7875cff667e13d",
    "schemeID": "pedersen-bls-unchained",
    "metadata": {
    "beaconID": "testnet-unchained-3s"

Postman Collection (WIP)


LIB p2p Examples

Goland WIP