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Multi-Frequency Support & Timelock Encryption are coming to drand!

· 4 min read
Yolan Romailler
Co-Founder & Cryptographer

The drand team has been hard at work the last couple of months to develop and integrate new and extremely valuable features into the drand codebase! We have worked together with Zondax, a research and software development company, and we are extremely excited to announce the completion of a very important project for the future of drand. The project focused on two important features that have the potential to unlock new capabilities for the drand randomness service, enable new application scenarios and make drand able to support many more applications and platforms.

drand celebrates One Year as a Randomness Service!

· 2 min read
Yolan Romailler
Co-Founder & Cryptographer

drand, the distributed randomness beacon that aims to serve as a foundational randomness service for the Internet, surpassed 1M rounds on July 7, 2021! The drand mainnet was launched in July 2020 and received a significant update on August 10, 2020. This update included a number of key features, such as its 3-layer network architecture, client implementations in Go, and JavaScript, round to timestamp guarantees, deployment monitoring, and many other improvements.

The League of Entrophy welcomes Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL)

· One min read
Yolan Romailler
Co-Founder & Cryptographer

On Wednesday, December 16, 2020, The League of Entropy, running an upgraded version of drand, proudly welcomed The [Quantum Resistant Ledger][QUANTUM] (QRL) to its list of esteemed members. QRL is an enterprise-grade blockchain platform that is secure from the quantum computing advances of tomorrow, as verified by external audits. The QRL Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, supports the research and development of open-source post-quantum blockchain solutions.

Join the Randomness Revolution: Drand is hiring!

· One min read
Yolan Romailler
Co-Founder & Cryptographer

Are you passionate about randomness, dependable public services, and collaborative endeavors? Protocol Labs is on the lookout for talented individuals to join the drand team. If you thrive in innovative environments and want to shape the future of decentralized randomness, check out these exciting opportunities: